Friday, 5 August 2016

Half hour on, half hour off

In order to pace myself when I have so much to do I work in 30 minute spurts then I stop for a break and have a cup of tea, or I change to a sit down job.

Today I've put more stuff out by the bin and again some of it has gone. I've also cleaned all the windows inside along with the frames and sills.

My L&M finished early today so I collected him from work and we went to the bank to pay in some money.

Then we went to lunch, I had sea bass an it was delicious. I usually choose something a bit cheaper but today I really fancied the sea bass so hubby treated me. I had Eton Mess afterwards, now I need a snooze!


TrishWish said...

We had a lunch our today as a treat - smoked haddock and asparagus bake. It was definately fish friday!

Margie from Toronto said...

I do the same as you Hester when I've got a lot of work to do around the apt. - Half an hour to an hour's worth of work and then 20 minutes sitting down to read a few chapters or have a cup of tea. And sometimes I throw in a nap as well! :-)

Hard up Hester said...

That sounds delicious Trish.

I blame old age Margie, I need to take more frequent breaks.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.