Wednesday, 14 September 2016

A little piece of peace

A whole peaceful day at with no machine breakdowns, woohoo.

Tomorrow I have to collect DGD from her Auntie's house and then take hubby to the station to buy his train ticket for Saturday, he is on a property hunt.

I have 11 items to wrap that I sold on Ebay last night.

I have someone coming from Freegle to collect some bedding.

On Friday I have to collect DGD Suzy at 2:30, Eileen at 3:10, Norah at 3:25 and then collect their Dad at 4:30. DD2 will have worked a 60 hour week this week!

On Saturday I'm at a workshop with DD1!


Tracey said...

Leave me a message with your eBay shop details and I'll go have a look! Xx

galant said...

What is the workshop?
Margaret P

Margie from Toronto said...

Goodness - how do you keep track of it all! You are amazing.

kate steeper said...

i hope on Sunday your going to collapse in a heap with a big drink and have some me time ...thought

Linda Metcalf said...

I'm out of breath reading this....slow down're going to do yourself in. :)

saraband said...

What do you do in your "spare" time?

Hard up Hester said...

Tracey, I don't have an ebay shop it's just the contents of my house I'm selling.
The workshop is my down time, it should be a fun day, but I'm not saying yet what it's about, maybe after the event.

Today is busy, collecting 4 children plus their dad from 5 different places!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...