Friday, 23 September 2016

Stop bloody whingeing

Ok, lets see if I can do a post that isn't full of moaning and whingeing.

My L&M has been signed off for 2 weeks with work related stress, so yesterday when DD2 wanted to go to school and help her 5 year old with a family timeline, he looked after 2 year old suzy.

She has him wrapped round her little finger, she knows where he keeps his chocolate (in the fridge), points to the fridge and says 'Up Nanadaddy'.

NanaDaddy, means he is the Daddy (man) that lives with Nana. So he picks her up and gives her chocolate. Then she points to the other fridge and says 'Up Nanadaddy' he picks her up, opens the fridge and she points to the juice, this performance is repeated until she has a drink in her cup with a straw.

She says 'pees' and 'tac you' and smiles sweetly at him and gives him cuddles. He is putty in her hands.

Once she has a drink and chocolate she takes his hand and leads him to the hall, says 'Up Nanadaddy' so he lifts her up so she can make my wind chimes play.

After that it's the shape sorter that she plays with and then she feeds the fish. After the fish it's bubble time, she knows where they are kept and then a game of chase in the garden.

By now my L&M is worn out, so he sits on the sofa, where she presents him with the remote controls and says 'Peppa Pig'.

Suzy speaks quite clearly for a 2 year old but as the youngest of 4 she speaks in sentences rather than single words. She already knows to look in grandpa's ears and shout if he doesn't have his aids in.


Tracey said...

What a beautiful picture to start my day! ❤️

janipi said...

Looking after little ones is a great stress buster. They make you smile and melt your heart.

Witch Hazel said...

Lovely :-) I really like it when kids have a non-standard name for a grandparent. My brother is "GarGar" to all his grandchildren. The eldest one said "GarGar" originally, trying to say "Grandad" of course. His wife and daughter loved it, so they didn't correct her and always referred to him as GarGar. When later grandchildren came along, "GarGar" was the name they used.
Always makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

What a meltingly lovely story on a very wet Friday morning. Catriona

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Saturday morning!! Catriona

Lyssa Medana said...

Whinging can be good for the blood pressure. I wish I had you as my nanna x

Jan said...

What a sweet post! Grandbabies are just the best!

kelley said...

sounds like a beautiful day for them both...hugs to L&M...job stress can really take it's toll...

Softstuff said...

That's just adorable and probably just what he needs.

Rambler said...

Most men, no matter what their usual mood, are putty in the hands of a little girl. I bet she relieved him of his stress, better than any medication. Bless her!

Hard up Hester said...

I always find that the grandchildren cheer him up.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...