Wednesday, 13 May 2020

A day of little things.

Today I cleaned the fridge and wiped down the kitchen cupboard doors.

I gave away two balls of sock wool. I have to be realistic, I cannot see well enough to knit with it.

I've almost finished another face cloth.

Steve is still painting the roof.

I've written another story and edited another one.

We can move on 23rd May if we wish but we will stay put for a bit longer.


Chris said...

A productive day. I didn't know you were a writer!

Hard up Hester said...

Only for my own entertainment and for my grandchildren, Chris.

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone's safe and staying safe. I just read that the virus is mutating and getting much more dangerous. I don't want to alarm anyone but it's time to get right with God, cause this is getting downright scary! Stay home and stay safe, guys!

Witch Hazel said...

I've been really enjoying your Mice stories. Thank you for sharing them.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Canals will be like M25 with everyone wanting to move all at once!

Hard up Hester said...

Thanks Witch hazel.

We have now been notified that the canal is to be closed soon as the water levels are so high!


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.