Saturday, 16 May 2020

And finally

DD2 has had a few fraught weeks, she's been going round in circles trying to sort out an incorrect tax code. For some reason it was decided that she was earning in excess of £50k a year.
It's taken six weeks and eleventy billion phone calls.
During which time she has been left extremely short of funds. We have helped out but God knows how she'd have managed otherwise.
Yesterday it was finally all sorted, she can breathe again l"!


justjill said...

This makes my blood boil. Her and your stress levels. If they dont get you one way they get you another.

Hard up Hester said...

It's been difficult as she was reluctant to take money from us in case she couldn't pay it back.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I contacted HMRC by chat box online and got a written answer that I immediately printed out. So if the advice I've received is wrong I have proof. They are do quick to take money but slow to hand it back.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I was finally persuaded two years ago to get an accountant to deal with my tax affairs. Since then she has sorted things out easily and has saved me a lot of money - far more rhan her bill.

Anonymous said...

RE the Kindle ...try resetting

My Piece of Earth said...

Sounds like our government website, we jst go around in circles, never getting any answer. They are too fast to take your money but take their own sweet time to pay any owing to the public.

Moira said...

All the tax rules are on line, it takes time but worth it in the end. My husband got a bill for £7000, I did the research he wrote the emails, we got a refund of £300. Don't accept they are right, don't accept the threats.

Jan said...

We have been paying over $500 a year to have an accountant do our taxes. Last year the local bank offered customers free access to a DIY tax service. Someone at the bank helped us through it so this year, even though the bank is no longer involved, we paid this DIY service and thought we'd be O.K. At one point it had us showing that we owed $141,000.00! We had to get help from customer service a few times but finally completed everything. Now we hope it went through O.K. They are due to take out what we owe next week, so we will be watching our account!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...