Wednesday, 6 May 2020


Today's melt down was caused by Steve reading on Facebook that the correct proportion of bleach to water for cleaning shopping and work surfaces is 9 parts water to 1 part bleach.

I've always done 10 water to one bleach which is what I used for nappies and baby bottles.

This error on my part means WE ARE GOING TO DIE!!!!!

Gawd knows what he'd do if he noticed that I usually guesstimate the quantities and add a squirt of bleach to unmeasured water!


Poppypatchwork said...

Wicked thought, but it's what I do, yes that's about the right amount, no need to measure.

Christine H Hancock said...

My hubby has been spaying Flash with bleach on everything that comes through the door, we need more of this he said when doing an on line order.. today I 've tidied under the sink cupboard and we have 3 unused And loads of bathroom cleaner, does this mean we haven't been cleaning enough???

Margie from Toronto said...

Got to admit - I do much the same as you! Still here.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Until your last paragraph that is what I was thinking about you - I just put a squirt and that's that - so I am relieved that you do the same.

Col said...

I guesstimate it too, and we're all still here! X

walking in beauty carmarthenshire said...

A bottle of bleach lasts me years, I also use some bicarbonate. of soda and vinegar, but since we are fairly isolated ,there is not many germs to catch.
To much disinfectant is bad for the immune system.
Kathy xxx

flis said...

I haven't disinfected any of my shopping.I did my shoes and washed all my clothes and coat on my return from the supermarket x


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.