Sunday, 10 May 2020

Dog bites

This post is about my dog and my bites, Beano hasn't bitten me.

Thank you. I have used Avon Skin so soft but I gave my last bottle to one of my granddaughters as she was suffering from bites.
 Beano was happy to go for a long walk today and has been much happier all day.


The Weaver of Grass said...

I think, like us, all dogs have off days. Glad he is back to normal.

flis said...

I was worried about him and I checked earlier as he was on my mind-I am so pleased x

Lyssa Medana said...

Please pass on a cuddle for Beano who is obviously going through a doggy crisis. Glad he is feeling better. We found lavender oil was good for bites - it deterred the biters and then took the heat out of the itch.

Hope you find the trick of it soon.

Anonymous said...

Hester, did you know you can buy Skin so Soft from the Avon website? You don’t have to have an Avon lady. I have no connection with the company by the way but get bitten to death if I don’t use it. I prefer rubbing that in than stuff with chemicals.

Being careful.

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