Wednesday, 27 May 2020

All change

I'm usually one of the first to try updates and tweaks but I've only just realised that blogger has changed.

I'm giving it a go, I'll post this and see if it works.


Sue said...

Well it's here ... and so am I :-)

Jeannieuk said...

It works! Have a good day x

Sue in Suffolk said...

I discovered their modernisation today - takes longer to find things - Ho Hum

Margie from Toronto said...

It works but your font is now teeny tiny - others have reported a similar issue so you may have to make some adjustments.

Marilyn Bennett said...

You have come through to me ok. I love your posts, so full of humor and so cheerful.
You always see the bright side of life. Marilyn Bennett.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I didnt like it at first but I'm getting used to it now. I'm hoping they've made it easier to post videos.

Jo said...

I have just had a look at the new blogger for the first time. I am obviously being really dim here but where is the button to write a new post please?

Sue said...

Jo, mine is at the top right where it's always been and I'm on new Blogger.

The Stats pages are a bit confusing but I'll no doubt get used to them and editing old posts takes some thinking about. We'll get there, although seemingly if you really hate it you can use old Blogger for quite a while.

Sue said...

Jo, I had a tootle around other ways of writing New Posts and I think what you are looking for is on the Posts page, the red button with a +sign in the bottom righthand corner :-)

Jo said...

Thank you Sue : )


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.