Sunday, 17 May 2020

Not doing much

Thanks for that I will try resetting my kindle.

DD2 was using the tax website but it just kept showing her salary as £50k, still it's sorted now.

Today I've walked Beano, cooked breakfast and wiped down the kitchen shelves. Then I made coffee, Beano always sits on Steve's knee when he has coffee.

I shall cook a roast dinner later, we'll eat between 5 and 6, apart from that I shall be lazy. I have six masks cut out that I will sew up. I shall write my shopping list for tomorrow, knit another couple of rows of a face cloth and write another story for my grandchildren.


Karren said...

Sounds like you have your life all planned out for the day. I, on the other hand, plan to be lazy today. Here in Indiana, it's drizzly and damp outside. We worked hard in the garden yesterday and plan a catch up day today. Reading on the Kindle will probably be my most strenuous activity.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I too am in lazy mode - do the crossword, start a new book, watch a couple of programmes this evening. That's it for today.

Ellen D. said...

You sound busier than me! I can spend hours just reading blogs each day! Thanks!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...