Thank you for your comments about the scrubs, MargaretP, that is exactly what I thought. I know some people were removed from the group for trying to make a profit.
As for the coordinator, I think the power went to her head, I shall continue to make scrubs but as many of you have suggested I shall donate them direct to someone in need.
I've had a very painful big toe joint, the pain was so severe I could not sleep. My beloved suggested I may have gout but the joint isn't red, just hot and painful. Because of the pain I obviously started to walk awkwardly, this in turn pulled my calf muscle and that is now painful, hey ho, minor problems.
My other half gets gout in his big toe joint, and that's never red.Hot and painful is exactly how he describes it. Ibuprofen helps him while it's flaring up,Montmorency cherry and turmeric keep flare ups at bay.
Thanks Allegra
I've been reading about the scrub rejection on FB. I'm really at a loss how someone would have the nerve to say such things.
I agree donate to a worthy cause directly, someone local who is in need. I hope your toe joint feels better soon.
My husband has a painful big toe and we suspected gout but it turned out to be arthritis- and it is the only part of his body which has any arthritis!
Hi it does sound like gout, I drink white wine instead of red and it goes awsy.
I drink gin and tonic and haven't had any for months so I'm unsure what the trigger is.
Dear Sue please speak to your GP. It may be gout or at least something that you can have painkillers for. Good luck!
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