Monday, 18 May 2020

Mixed messages

We are currently being bombarded with mixed messages. 
Firstly the local tip is open, a lengthy email was sent explaining how to make an appointment and which paperwork to take. Unfortunately there was a fire in a nearby yard so although the tip is open it is inaccessible as the road to it is closed.

Next we received information to tell us that the Thames is open and boats can now travel. Only its not open as there is work needed first before it is navigable. 

And then there is the canal it's open, only you must not use the locks  Also the flow is increasing so boats need to find a save mooring as the canal could be red boarded soon. Finally when the flow decreases and everyone can use the canal, they can't there are numerous locks that cannot be used. One has been vandalised, one has a mechanical failure and one has a transit van sunk in it.

  • So that's all as clear as mud then.


Margie from Toronto said...

Oh dear.....
If I was you I'd just stay put for now - too many chances for a complete mess if you move on.
All that I've read about the confusing messages in the UK has made me very glad that I live where I do as I think their communications have been very clear. Of course there have been a few folk who claim they "didn't understand" but I really haven't found much to be confused about.
I do hope that things get clarified soon and that the necessary repairs are made where needed. Sending more people out on to the canals and then having them all congregating at a bottleneck is rather dangerous. Good luck.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I presume from this then that you will be staying put.

Sarah Browne said...

What a complete shambles, but very UK, we must be the laughing stock of the world. I hope whatever happens you stay safe and well. Sarah Browne.

Chris said...

Here it's been a matter of "do as I say, not as I do" as several dignitaries have been caught breaking the rules!

MargaretP said...

Sarah Brown....The UK is not the laughing stock of the world, the crazy, yellow clown is and after seeing the anti lockdown demonstrations it's plain to see how he got there.

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending good vibes. I am also pretty unimpressed by the handling.

Sarah Browne said...

Blimey Margaret P, don’t know who you are but I’m entitled to my opinions. This is not your blog, I was agreeing with Hester and wishing her well, go get a life lady. Sarah Browne,

Anonymous said...

Sarah, she was only saying she thinks the US has the crown as the laughing stock. As an American, I agree. We are all allowed our opinions and I dont think she was being mean just saying she had a different view. Hard days all around for everyone. Ana USA

Col said...

Sarah Browne, Are you aware that it is possible to disagree with someone else without resorting to such comments as 'go get a life lady'?
Perhaps you're American, perhaps not, quite honestly, I couldn't care less, but your childish comment was totally uncalled for!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...