Sunday, 3 May 2020

A dull day

We've had a lazy day today, its been dull and showery so Steve only worked on the roof for a couple of hours.

I've done very little apart from cooking roast lamb, taking painkillers and writing.

I emailed my daughters a copy of some stories I wrote for them when they were young, they are now reading  these stories to my youngest four grandchildren. The grandchildren are enjoying them so much they are asking for more, so I'm writing more stories about a family of mice who lived under our shed.


justjill said...

No end to your talents! Lovely. Are you illustrating too?

Hard up Hester said...

Definitely not I cannot draw at all.

lindsey said...

How lovely that your stories are now on to the second generation. You must be a talented story teller. EST wishes and keep safe x

Cathy said...

Maybe put them into book of short stories form so they are a more 'permanent' reminder of a grandma who cared.

Winters End Rambler said...

Lovely...I write stories for young Henry x

mamasmercantile said...

Sounds like great fun.

Icey said...

My mum used to make up stories for my sister & I about a little blue elephant that lived in a glass highlight escaped Wright to hAve adventures with us :)


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.