Thank you for your comments, anonymous, I'll look up those you tube suggestions.
Yesterday we held another socially distanced BBQ, they are always enjoyable despite getting bitten to buggery again.
As Steve was moving the wooden picnic tables to the appropriate places he got a splinter. I can no longer see well enough to remove splinters unless they are the size of a plank. It wasn't too much of a problem as Steve decided to self medicate with a Budweiser.
We were back on the boat by 8:30, Steve went to bed around 9:30 and I went at 10:30.
I decided to apply some coconut butter to my knees as they were so dry. Unfortunately I'd forgotten that coconut butter turns liquid in the heat and as I removed the lid I spilt some on to the floor and some on the bedcover.
This immediately turned the floor into a skating rink. I skidded and slipped to the bathroom to get a cloth to wipe the floor but it was insufficient. So I skated back to the bathroom to get a towel. Bearing in mind I'm doing this in the dark so as not to wake Steve.
I lifted Beano off the floor onto the bed in an attempt to stop him licking the coconut butter of the floor but this only resulted in him trying to lick the bedcovers clean.
Eventually I laid a clean towel on the floor and attempted to climb into bed. At this point I realised that the step stool I use to get into bed was also covered.
I finally got into bed with very squelchy toes, then Beano decided to start coughing, I leapt up thinking he was going to be sick but after a couple of coughs he lay down and went to sleep.
I was by now, wide awake. I read until 2 am after which I fell asleep.
At 3 am I was awoken by Steve as his thumb was throbbing and he wanted to know where the Germolene was. Twenty years we've been together and we've never owned a tube of Germolene I shall be buying some next time I visit the pharmacy!
Sorry about the disturbed night - the trouble is that the way you have written it it is very easy to view it as a comic filmand laugh about it all. I hope after a day or two you will see it in this light - oh and I hope that splinter had been removed by now - they can be very painful.
Weave is right, you have a naturally humorous way with words! It's so easy to imagine this in a t.v. skit!
I feel sure this knack is keeping you sane through some very difficult times and I am so glad you share with us all!
Your blog posts are very entertaining. I could just picture this scene being acted out on a stage. You could become a script writer.
I could see the funny side even as it was happening and I was stifling my giggles whilst sliding around.
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