Saturday, 9 May 2020

Today was not good day.

For Beano. He hates any change in routine, it makes him stressed and panicky.
Obviously some changes are unavoidable but I do my best to keep him calm.

Today's change of routine was Beano's own choice, we left the boat about 8ish for his morning walk but  half way across the car park Beano performed his morning ablutions, he then sat down.

I went back to him and he got up but as soon as I started walking he sat down again.

He has always had very decided views on which way he wants to walk and for how long. So I started walking in the other direction and he got up and started to walk along happily. As soon as we got to out jetty Beano ran along and got back on the boat!

For the rest of the day he watched me like a hawk and would only settle if I was sitting down, if I so much as coughed, shifted or closed my kindle he immediately leapt to his feet and started pacing to and fro until I sat down again. 

I took him out a few more times throughout the day but he didn't want to go far at all.

Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow.

Thanks for the comments on yesterday's blog, I do get bitten badly every year, but I will try to get some of that cream.


Bettina Groh said...

Nothing like being the favorite meal for all sorts of bugs...I am too !! Not fair!!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Dogs are pretty good at making their feelings felt aren't they? I hope he is more himsel tomorrow.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I often turn to Bertie and say 'tell me what's wrong?' when he's having an off day. But obviously he can't. Sometimes I'm lucky and guess. Hopefully Beano will be back to full vim and vigor soon.

Anonymous said...

See my comment on the last post re gnat bites.

Being careful.

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