Thursday, 7 May 2020

Not me

I received a message on Facebook this morning, I'd found the page for my senior school and joined it.

The message was from someone who remembered me from school.
I explained that I thought she had the wrong person, my first name and maiden name are both very common.
She was convinced I'd just forgotten her and was adamant she knew me.
She tried to jog my memory by listing the names of some of her friends and family who'd also attended at the same time.
I was then convinced she'd muddled me up with someone else as her younger brother was in the year below us.
When I was at the school it was a single sex school, it didn't become co-ed until about five years after I left.


Amanda said...

When I lived in another town, I looked a great deal like somebody who lived on what was called the "West Side." I had several people insist I was her. Most memorable was a woman who got rather belligerent when I kept insisting I was not this woman, had only recently moved to the city, never been to the West Side and never gone to the high school in question. Sometimes I'm kind of sorry I never met this double. She gave me enough trouble!

Joan (Devon) said...

Memories are a bit sketchy when we get older, aren't they?

Christine H Hancock said...

I did have a phone call from a school friend too. How strange that your phone call person had muddled up the names. At the hospital where I was a student nurse there were 3 of us all named Christine John, but different ages.

flis said...

I think I had a double in the village several years ago.My mums friend told me that one day she said hello to a woman with a child in a pushchair but she realised that it wasn't me when she spoke.Apparently the woman was quite rude and said "oh no not another one" x

Anonymous said...

Sketchy sister “ remembers” things that never happened, she seems believable because she talks in a loud, authoritative manner!

Angela said...

Both my daughter and I had friend requests from the same unknown woman. But when we checked her profile, we realised she'd been at the same school as my sis in law. She was contacting all "almonds" in the hope of finding SIL for a school reunion. So that was a genuine enquiry and all ended happily

VC said...

I have had friend requests on facebook from people I either don't remember or vaguely remember from school. I have not seen, spoken to or thought of these people for anything from 40-50 years ago. I am polite but decline the friend requests. The friends from school I have kept in touch with are actually friends, the facebook sort are just curious if I'm being kind or nosy if I'm being less so. I wish them no ill (well most of them) but I've managed without any contact with them for my entire adult life so am happy for it to stay that way.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...