Saturday, 16 May 2020

Feck, feck, feckity feck.

I walked Beano this morning when I got home I cooked breakfast, cleared up and wiped the surfaces over.
After that I checked my email and thanked the people on FB who had commented on today's story.

I decided to sit and read for a while, this is when the problems started!

I use a kindle, I cannot see well enough o read paper books any more.

My kindle has taken to deleting the books I wish to read when I click on them, yes I know I can download them again, but this is only in theory. In practice I am unable to download them for about ten days, by which time I've forgotten what I've read! 

I tried to read three different books today, all were deleted one after the other. I finally managed to open a book to read only for my kindle to power down as the battery was flat.

Maybe I'll watch TV instead!


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

How frustrating, have you googled the problem for a possible solution? Hope your day gets better.

Rose ~ from Oz said...

I buy books from Play store for download to my tablet... Great idea re being able to enlarge the print etc but oh if only I could remember to keep my battery recharged! Almost dead battery is always at a pivotal part in the plot!

vikinghorns said...

It might be worth trying a hard reset on your Kindle - hold in the power button for between 7 - 45 seconds (depends on the model of your kindle), the screen eventually goes blank. Then press the power button again and the kindle should reboot itself.

This can solve problems, hope it helps x

Being careful.

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