Monday, 27 March 2017

Change of name

After the last weekend on the boat my L&M has been given a name change.

We lit the stove Friday evening to check it all worked ok and for a few brief minutes the boat became almost warm.

In fact we almost reached the giddy heights of 12deg!

But then my beloved was almost overcome with heat stroke and all the windows and doors had to be flung open.

From now on my beloved will be known as Captain Hot Stuff!


justjill said...

And your new name?!

lah2563 said...

Can't wait to meet you on the canals and try out hubby so new name. Should turn a few heads 😁😁 Hope you are all enjoying the lifestyle.

Regards Lynda NB Dionysus

Witch Hazel said...

Lol, told you!

galant said...

I read your post very quickly and at first I thought the boaty had been given a new name. Mind you, Boaty MacBoatface is still available, isn't it? How could that be passed over in favour of the Sir David Attenborough! Nice chap, but Boaty MacBoatface does it for me!
My goodness, all of 12C! Baking!!!
Margaret P

Hard up Hester said...

Justjill, my name will remain the same (pain in the arse).
Lynda, we'll look out for you.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...