Tuesday, 21 March 2017

My Armageddon cupboard

I'm an avid follower of MFin3 and I love her idea of an Armageddon cupboard so I've made a list of things to keep in the cupboard on the boat.

There may be times on the journey home when we cannot moor near a supermarket or we  have to push on and not moor, if this is so I want to be able to feed us for a few days without panicking.

I have 3 cupboards in the galley on the boat, one for pots, pans and ovenware, one for crockery and one for food, the cupboards are small, not a standard kitchen cupboard size and each has 2 shelves.

I will stock long life milk, my beloved won't touch it, but if I decant it into a milk bottle he cannot tell the difference, I will also have part baked baguettes, the rest will be mainly tins.

Tinned fruit, mandarins, peach slices, pineapple and fruit cocktail. Vegetables, peas, carrots, mushrooms, beans baked and mixed. Meat, corned beef, stewing steak, chicken supreme, ham, hot dogs and a couple of Fray Bento's pies. not what we'd usually eat but good for emergency cover.

The freezer will hold bacon,  sausages, ice cream and frozen peas.

The fridge will hold milk, eggs, cheese and fresh vegetables.


bbarna said...

We go camping in the Canadian bush every summer. I stock our small camper with similar items, just in case we are stranded temporarily. Usually we are many kilometers from towns or stores. Canned goods, dried goods and spices, UTH milk, condiments. I have taken to making some of my own mixes, such as pancake mix, scone mix, and keeping on hand supplies to bake bread (as that seems to disappear the quickest) We have a propane stove with 4 burners and a small oven, a tiny fridge and sink with cold water only. I really enjoy using the kitchen in the camper. Small , efficient and easy to clean. Don't forget a good first aid kit, extra toilet paper and stuff to keep busy such as a deck of cards, reading material, and hobby supplies. Looking forward to hearing of your adventures.

Joy said...

Choccy bikkies? You can get good ones in Ikea.

Hard up Hester said...

Bbarna, we both have kindles and I have a crochet project that I keep on the boat.

Ssshhhh, Joy, don't mention the chocolate, it's hidden in the wine rack!

e said...

Sounds like a good idea--the emergency cupboard. Will look into making one of my own. Thanks!

Margie from Toronto said...

Sounds very similar to my pantry stocks and will no doubt come in very handy - you are a wise woman!

Anonymous said...

great idea i was also going to suggest loo roll never have too much as for food in my cupboard i have a few cans of the m and s tinned meat stewing steak/mince/curry it isnt cheap but really nice and useful if you get taken short.Also tins of beans/ravoli/beans and sausage are handy tessa

cumbrian said...

Rice and pasta? Last for a long time and don't take much room.

Rhea said...

Good list. I also keep tins of potatoes, always handy as you can roast them, turn into a potato salad or add to a casserole.

Cheryl said...

My dh has been on YouTube and we saw pictures of houseboats like you bought. I have been showing him your pictures and how cool it is I "know" someone who bought one. Good luck in your travels. Cheryl

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