Thursday, 2 March 2017

Ifits again

Tonight ifits was steak and kidney I added a tin of vegetable soup to it as it wasn't one my L&M liked I also added some  curry powder and lots of pepper and I made mash to go with it. There is enough left for lunch tomorrow for both of us.

It's gradually calming down here, I collected our prescriptions today and made the last few outstanding phone calls.

Next week my L&M gets his new hearing aids so he will be able to make his own phone calls, I will still be doing the trips to the bank, Dr's etc.  as we are not within walking distance of anything here and the buses don't run to our local shops, bank, chemist.

Tomorrow my beloved has an MRI scan so he's not at work, this means I can have a lie in and not get up until 6:30, woohoo!


Winters End Rambler said...

Hope all goes well for his nibs tomorrow...and enjoy your lie in..wooo 6:30! x

e said...

Enjoy your lie in and best of luck with the MRI.

Sals View said...

We have ifits too. Ifits on your plate, eat it! Good luck with your new venture, can't wait to hear all your adventures.

galant said...

I am now going to make you really jealous, har, har! I stayed in bed this morning, not because I was ill, but because I had a book to finish and it was raining! I couldn't have done this if wasn't retired, or husband also retired and I do appreciate that others have to get up and work, but boy, it is lovely being retired. The downside is that we've not as many years in front of us than behind us, but I've never been given to negativity, so I just pretend we're going on forever. But it was lovely to lie in, with coffee and husband brought me breakfast in bed (and with freshly squeezed orange juice, too!) What a very lucky girl I am.
But you had a lie in until 6.30!!! That's better than usual.

Now, best of luck to your husband with the MRI. Thank goodness we can have these procedures, though, even if they tell us things we'd rather not know sometimes.

I love the idea of the liver and bacon with the soup and then curry powder added. Everything but the kitchen sink, eh? Not exactly haute cuisine but total yum nonetheless!
Margaret P

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...