Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Today I visited hell

The hell that is known as Ikea, the car park is a multi storey, bigger than some of the car parks in town.
The shop is clean, well laid out and the staff are friendly and helpful.
It is still my idea of hell.
But I did manage to buy what I went in for.

These will be fixed in the wall of the galley to hold the cutlery and kitchen utensils.


e said...

Good find! I hate going through Ikea, too big and full of people. Easier to look online.

kathy said...

What a natty storage idea looks really stylish

Rambler said...

I bought similar for my caravan; it freed up an extra drawer. Caravans and boats have some brilliant design ideas for space-saving and reduction of clutter.

Witch Hazel said...

As Ikeas go, I think the one local to you and me is probably the best I've been in. I hope it stays fresh and clean and doesn't get as tired as some of the older ones.

Anonymous said...

It's best to look online then go into store knowing exactly what you want. Some of the smaller bits and pices are not available online, meaning you have to go in store. Although, for certain things I've used the website to get ideas then found what I've wanted cheaper or the same price elsewhere.

Sue said...

I know exactly what you mean.

Last time we went to Ikea it was to the new one in Calcot, the only way to get back to your car with heavy bits is in the lifts .... and two of the three were out of action, the queues were horrendous :-(

Anonymous said...

Have you got a vertical wall in your galley? I wonder if these containers will swing around and possibly fall off the rail in the event of an impact. Suggest you try them out unfilled to start with.

Kind regards
Marty (boatowner)

galant said...

I have never been to IKEA and perhaps I'm the last person in the country not to have a single item from this emporium. Mind you, I've never been in Matalan or a McDonald's either - the day I go into a McDonald's hell will freeze over. It's just not my natural habitat, tee-hee! I think I've mentioned it before, but once on the motorway we were feeling a bit hungry. We stopped and there was a McDonald's and we thought we would try it. We got as far as the entrance and smelt the ghastly smell of burgers and onions and turned around. I said to husband, "I'm hungry, but not THAT hungry ..." I had a burger once, never again.
Those cooking utensil holders are ideal for your boaty, though, Hester! I wouldn't mind those in my kitchen. I love things that are functional because if they meet what is required of them (i.e. something to hold cutlery and flatware) they are usually beautiful, too.
Margaret P

Anonymous said...

I have been to IKEA once. Never again! I felt like a laboratory mouse in a maze and became increasingly anxious as I tried to find my way out. Thank goodness my son, who has learning difficulties, wasn't with me.... Their storage ideas are excellent though and the prices are amazing. Perhaps I should employ a personal IKEA shopper to brave it for me!

Hard up Hester said...

Marty, I do that, thanks for the suggestion.

Margie from Toronto said...

I'm in the minority here as I love IKEA - there is one quite close to me - I just take the subway 3 stops and the IKEA folk run a free shuttle bus that I hop on - door to door in less than 20 minutes if I time the subway properly. :-)

When the weather is really bad I'l walk there instead of outdoors or at a mall - my store is two stories so I do a lap around each floor - have a coffee - and then maybe do one more lap of the lower level Market area just in case there is anything that I need.

I love those kitchen rail holder systems - one of my friends just bought a few for her very tiny kitchen and she loves them - very handy.

I've been reading Ian Hutson's blog about living on a Narrow Boat - he is very funny so thank you Elaine for the tip. I have also been watching a lot of YouTube blogs from folks who live onboard - I think it's wonderful but it is a lot more work than I had thought - just the day-to-day things that you have to keep on top of! But you are very sensible and no doubt you have done all your research. I can't wait to read about all your adventures.

Hard up Hester said...

Even for you John I'm not going back to get you one!

Linda Metcalf said...

My sister and I skip the rooms displays and do the other floor only AND grab the cinnamon rolls on the way out...really like your holders. I can always find a bargain at IKEA.

Joy said...

I'm another one who loves Ikea. I treat it as a day out. I just love their space saving ideas and almost all my curtains came from there, albeit some years ago. The prices were ridiculous. Also, everything I've had from there has been really hard wearing. And did I mention cheap?

Yes, I love the place.
Their half coated choccy bikkies aren't too dusty either.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...