Thursday, 9 March 2017

What can I do with?

Four cupboards, three drawers and a wine rack?
My new kitchen is 8ft 5 and I think I'm really going to resent the wine rack eventually as neither of us drinks wine, is just a wasted space, and space is somewhat at a premium.
One cupboard will be for food, one for pots, pans and crockery, the double cupboard under the sink will be for the bin, brushes and cleaning equipment.
One drawer will hold cutlery, one will hold teacloths, foil, baking parchment etc. that leaves me one whole drawer to get excited about whilst I wonder what to fill it with!
I'm hoping to fit some mug hooks but I'm not sure what else, maybe a spice rack.
I have a 1cu ft. freezer which is about the size of one of my freezer drawers and I can get quite a lot in one. I also have a 2.5cu ft. fridge, plenty of room for bacon, eggs, cheese and milk.
We will take stuff up with us each time we visit and gradually get it ready for the journey home.


Joy said...

I have a suggestion for the empty drawer. m
isc! I love misc. drawers but they are never big enough. misc. seems to increase more than any other commodity.

Yes. It must certainly be a misc. drawer.

Can you take the wine rack out and fit in something more useful. A couple of shelves maybe?
They could be misc. shelves.

Winters End Rambler said...

Stuff...well we all have it and it's got to go somewhere! x

mother noah said...

You could lay canned goods on there sides in the wine rack .

Anonymous said...

roll up the teaclothes and put them in the wine rack. Insert the box of parchment, etc. Depending on the size, we can find storage containers for spagetti and such that are round and tall and have a lid. Then you could label and use for cutlery.

Use a magnet rack (long magnet to attach to wall) to hold knives and metallic containers to hold small things.

got a lot of ideas for storage on boat or caravan on Pinterest. Ana usa

Hard up Hester said...

Thanks for your suggestions, I'll have a proper look this weekend and see what will fit.

e said...

Somebody beat me to the suggestion to look on Pinterest. Many good ideas there. Good luck with your new floating home.

Elaine said...

My only suggestion, for those times when you need a shot of humour and narrowboating talk, is to check out my younger brother's blog. He writes exceptionally funny accounts of his new life on the narrowboat he bought last year.
He has finally left the marina and ventured into the canal system. It would give you a giggle, I promise. I've added his blog to my sidebar - of course he isn't called anything sane, he's the Diesel Electric Elephant Company which isn't a company...

Anonymous said...

Ikea do a range of rails & hanging containers of all sorts of sizes/shapes that are designed for small kitchens (& small space living in general as they are so multifunctional) that might be helpful for extra storage if you can spare a bit of wall space. Generally they are quite inexpensive & the kind of thing you can add to as funds allow.

I agree that trying to repurpose the wine rack may be the way forward, with a little imagination & ingenuity (both you have in spades) a solution will surely present itself. :)

galant said...

I have never seen the point of wine racks - they take up so much space, and people - unless they are 'laying down' wine for the future and then require a proper place to keep it under the right conditions - do tend to buy it and drink it (we don't as we're not keen on wine) so either do as others have suggested and use the space for rolled up towels and packets of foil and parchment, or get rid of it, Hester.

I think it must be very therapeutic to cut down on all the things you have at home and only take the things you actually need to Boaty MacHesterface, har, har! Oh, why couldn't that research vessel be named Boaty MacBoatface rather than the Sir David Attenborough? As one of the chaps on the House of Lords prog said, it wasn't a boat, anyway, it was a ship, and you would have to be very careful how you said Shippy MacShipface!

Hard up Hester said...

Elaine, that blog is hysterical, even the confirmation email made me laugh, I hope your brother continues to enjoy life afloat.

Elaine said...

I thought he would hit your funny spot.

markdebby said...

How far is your permanent mooring from your house at the minute?

Softstuff said...

Hester, can you buy these over there:
You'd be able to store all kinds of things in the wine racks then. I could always send you some if you like.

Hard up Hester said...

Markdebby, it's a 2 hour drive at the moment, until we bring her home.

Softstuff, that is so kind, thank you, I will look for something locally first.

markdebby said...

Sorry!! I meant when you bring her home... How far will it then be to your house.
We have a very old yacht lol so interested in your boat.

Softstuff said...

Hester, they're often on special here for about a couple of dollars. Let me know if you're in need, it's no bother xx

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...