Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Another day.

I've managed to pay for the fence repairs, I've booked my L&M's next hospital appointment and ordered his repeat prescription.

I haven't organised the boat insurance or sorted out the boat licence but as we will not own the boat until early next week I will wait 'til then to do it.

I have got a quote for the boat safety repairs £300 and told the broker not to worry about getting the vendor to make another price reduction. If the repairs were to cost more then maybe I would, but we've paid £6000 under the asking price and that's fine by me.

The contracts will be exchanged early next week, the  boat safety work will be completed along with the stove and solar panels, the pram cover repair needs to be sorted. The handover by the vendor is on 18th March.

Tonight we have ifits for tea, if it's in the freezer we're eating it, today I found some sliced roast beef that we'll have with potato croquettes (left from a co-op £5 deal) roast parsnips left from Christmas some carrot and swede mash, peas and gravy.


Rambler said...

What would your man do without you? I hope he appreciates his hard-working wife - rather more than your colleagues!
It's all so exciting now, having a changeover date. Have you made plans about your house contents, furniture, etc.? When I moved from a 3-storey, 4-bed house to a touring caravan, I never seemed to have got rid of enough 'stuff' and at the last minute there was still a huge amount for the local charity shops. But no regrets - ever! Loved living in my small space.

Sharon said...

How exciting to have a date! Hope it all goes well. Sounds/looks like a great place to live

Bonnie said...

Lmao at "ifits!" Deffo nicking that hun ;)

Rhea said...

£6000 under the asking price, you struck a good bargain there! Glad to see its all coming together for you x

John Going Gently said...

You sound as busy as i am

galant said...

Your ifits meal sounds a bit like my "wait-and-see" pudding, when the lads were young. What's for pudding, Mum? "Wait and see!" I would say.
Margaret P

Hard up Hester said...

John I hope Winnie is on the mend.
Margaret, my grandma used to tell me there was Elephant's breath for pudding, it was felly with evaporated milk whisked into it.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...