Sunday, 5 March 2017

Oh bugger

A couple of hours at the local Minor Injury Unit is not my favourite way of spending a Sunday morning but needs must.
We took DGD Norah home about 10ish and then on to the hospital, we didn't have to wait too long and they were soon able to diagnose the cause of the foot pain.
My L&M has sprained some ligaments in his foot, 24 hours at least of complete rest with the leg raised.
I shall need bed rest by the time he recovers, I'm up and down like a brides nighty on her honeymoon.
So no roast dinner today, sandwiches and snacks are the way to go.


Bonnie said...

Hope he feels better asap hun xxx

Bonnie said...

Hope he feels better asap hun xxx

Annie said...

Oh dear. I do hope he soon feels better. Take care Ax

Sharon said...

Oh dear! Hope he rests up but doesn't have you running ragged too much!

Joy said...

Sorry about the L&M's foot. Just remind him now and then that slavery has been abolished in this country for a good while now.

galant said...

Think of all the exercise you're getting, har, har! A good job we live so far apart, Hester, because that remark, I know, entitles you to give me a good smack! But poor chap, sprained ligaments are very painful indeed - I know from bitter experience. Give him a cuddle - and you could've given him a roast dinner on his knees, I'm sure, had you cut it up a bit for him and put it into a bowl rather than on a plate ... just a thought!
Margaret P

Heleng said...

Hope L&M's foot is better soon xx

e said...

I hope he mends soon.

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...