Monday, 20 March 2017

I can't get away from the buggers

I think I've said before that there are teachers, just normal people who happen to teach and then there are TEACHERS. I spent a lot of today dealing with the latter, much to the detriment of my stress levels.
Usually weekends are free of both sorts of teachers, unfortunately one of our neighbour in the Marina is a TEACHER! Ye God's and little fishes, my cup runneth over!


Margie from Toronto said...

But eventually one of you will move - the advantages of being on a boat! Hope she/he isn' too close!

e said...

Does she work in thw same school you do? If so, may be you could politely suggest that you both leave work at work when not on the clock...

Bonnie said...

Lol.As an ex "person who just happened to teach", I know exactly where you're coming from ;-)

Bonnie said...

Lol.As an ex "person who just happened to teach", I know exactly where you're coming from ;-)

Hard up Hester said...

We will be moving the boat in a couple of weeks so we will have new neighbours then.

Joy said...

Hrrumph! I take great exception to the implication that somehow teachers are an alien race. Good heavens, some of us have even grown our hair long to cover up the sticky outy bits on our heads.


Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...