Sunday, 2 April 2017

Problem floor

I don't think I'm ever going to get the floor of the boat clean.
It is only a small area but with no room for a vacuum cleaner or even a broom the only way to clean it is on my hands and knees.
Therein lies the problem, no sooner am I on the floor, head down and arse up when Captain Hot Stuff is overcome with lust and my floor cleaning is interrupted!


sweet blondie blue eyes said...

Sorry Hester, I just could not help laughing. You need to get yourself one of the stick cleaners and a mop!! The dyson one is not cheap but its can use it to clean out the car as well.

Good luck next weekend.

A & E.

CurlyTop said...

Oh you so make me laugh. Your posts are legendary in our home. I'm forever reading them out to DHL, who chuckles along. Keep me coming.

mother noah said...

I could live with a grubby floor 😀

markdebby said...

So funny

Chris said...

Hot stuff in a boat.. could be a book title!! LOL

Lyssa Medana said...

There are lots of things better than cleaning floors x

Unknown said...

Bet your floor is kept spotless :) xx

Being careful.

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