Sunday, 2 October 2016

Back on an even keel

The problems haven't changed, my equilibrium is improving.
That plus I have been on a major shit stirring mission.
This was brought about by someone trying to shift the blame for my L&M's stress by implying that I leant on him too much and expected too much support from him both financially and mentally.

Kate, Lyssa, Joy, thank you for thinking of me when you all have more than enough on your own plates.
Galant, Sheila, Kelley, Chris West & Softstuff, thank you also.
Winters End Rambler, love the name.
Anon, I will look into getting a mouth guard.
Andi, I don't watch much TV, especially not the soaps, far too much doom and gloom for me.
Anon, thank you for the spell I started using it today.

We had various grandchildren visiting this weekend they cheer us up no end, especially watching the 2 year old trying to shuffle cards and play snap, she has no idea what she is doing but shouts NAP and flings her arms up in excitement. She managed to sock me in the eye doing this and it was ages before my L&M stopped laughing.


galant said...

How dare anyone suggest that you are putting pressure on your dear husband and causing him stress. It's having you beside him that I reckon will reduce his stress if anything.
Sending you hugs,
Margaret P

Winters End Rambler said...

You go girl! x

Margie from Toronto said...

I second "Galant" - don't know how anyone could blame you - the amount of work you do in your own home and for all the family is above and beyond - especially since you also still work a full-time job AND have health issues of your own - unbelievable!

It is to you and your husband's credit that you can still laugh about things and your grandchildren will also appreciate all your efforts, especially as they get older and can better understand all the effort you make on their behalf. Hang in there - hope the spell helps!

Softstuff said...

Well, there's nothing like a bit of anger to shift the equilibrium! On your behalf I'm angry at you being accused of that, so I'd say going on the offensive is your best move.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.