Thursday, 20 October 2016

Winston has arrived, now with photo

My doggy guest has arrived, he has been here for about a couple of hours,  and has paced, panted, farted and cried non-stop. I hope he calms down soon or it's going to be a bloody long week!


galant said...

Well, as long as he doesn't pee or pooh on the floor ... poor little doggy, but poor you and the noise!
Margaret P

Lyssa Medana said...

He does look handsome, and at least he has you looking after him x

LameWolf said...

He is gorgeous! *drools longlingly* Funnily enough, when I took current guest Jack Spaniel for his walk yesterday, we met a lovely little girl Staffy, just the same colour as Winston.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.