Thursday, 27 October 2016

CBT updated

My L&M had a phone call from Occ Health again today, he was quite concerned when she suggested that CBT might be useful for him.
He thought she meant Compulsory Bike Test, or even Cock & Ball Torture, he was greatly relieved when she explained that it stood for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, as he doesn't own a motor bike and didn't fancy the second option either.
She then went on to tell him that the waiting lists are so long that he would have to pay for the treatment.
It cost between £45 - £100 per session, great, more money to find!
No wonder his line manager is so keen to blame my L&M's stress on our home life. She's worried she might be expected to cough up!


Anonymous said...

Tell him not to pay for treatment-if he would benefit from it, and a doctor had suggested it, then surely he must be added to the list for free treatment. Would he be interested in Mindfullness? I found it helped me a lot when I couldn't get my stress controlled. May be some free groups in your area.
As a warning, my daughter couldn't get NHS physiotherapy and ending up spending £1000 privately which meant serious cutting back on everything else-just so she wouldn't be off work where she had broken her foot in the first place!! I think you are doing all you can to be caring to those around you and I admire your stamina and determination so much. Take care. Catriona

Lyssa Medana said...

hugs x

Kim said...

All the CBT information and sheets are available free on line. Good luck

Softstuff said...

Cock and ball torture would be cheaper....
I'd get him on the waiting list, it might not take as long as they say.

Rural Reads said...

Surely you can tell her that someone who earns 'whatever he earns' needs ''whatever it costs (you)'or 'whatever public transport would cost in time and cash' to get to and from work simply doesn't have that much money to spend on a treatment. He is already paying into NHS to provide for his health needs, so why and how can he be expected to pay such a rate which is so far in excess of his own rate? Good luck. Sine Robertson

Anonymous said...

CBT is available on the NHS. My GP referred me a couple of years ago and now I can self refer if I feel the need!
There can be a wait but I found it to be worth it.

Unknown said...

In Berkshire it is Talking Therapies that is the bit of the NHS who do CBT etc. You can self refer. The waiting list isn't that long. A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine phoned up. She got an appt for a telephone assessment within a week and then an appt for face to face assessment two weeks later. DH and I have used then in past and eldest daughter is currently seeing them. They're very good.

cumbrian said...

Our wonderful NHS in action.

Hard up Hester said...

He is on the list, we will see how long the wait is, but I will be expecting work to cough up if he needs to go privately.

Heleng said...

Look into what's available on the NHS in your region. We can self-refer in this area or get a GP's referral and have at least 6 sessions with a therapist for free. As far as I know ongoing treatment is also free if necessary. My DH went to them when he had a nervous breakdown six years ago. We did have to pay for my daughter's therapy a few year's ago, but that was a specific type of CBT for an eating disorder. Don't pay unless you have's usually a rip off and if they say you need to see a psychiatrist first for referral it can cost £2-300 for an hour's consultancy.

Being careful.

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