Sunday, 10 January 2016

A small positive

I am managing to drink 2 pints of water at least every day plus two cups of tea.

I started a baby cardie for a friend who's just had a little girl.

If we visit FIL today I may need a strong gin afterwards!

Marlene & Jenni, I don't find the 30gms of porridge allowed enough to fill me up for seven hours, I must just be a greedy pig, I can't add the berries to it at I can't eat food with seeds/pips in.

I do eat a banana mid morning but I'm not supposed to because of the seeds,

Margie, I love eggs & hummus but can't eat either at work because of the smell.

Thanks Rambler, hubby can get home on his own but it's a half an hour walk or half hour wait for the bus when he's already been on his feet all day.
And as for the grandchildren, my DD isn't well, I'm doing extra running around whilst she is attending hospital appointments.

I will have to see where the nearest laundromat is Kate. 

Marjorie, I don't usually have such a problem but we have had weeks and weeks of rain.


Retro Wren said...

You're doing amazingly well considering all you have to do, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Our weather has been appalling this winter, but I agree with the launderette idea if your stuck. Sometimes it works out cheaper than you think for the drying, and it means no wet clothes making the air damp. Big hugs x

Poppypatchwork said...

I don't weigh my porridge I use two desert spoons, it's about keeping me full and away from snacks.

Tammy said...

I also follow SW and I don't weeigh my porridge either, I did once and it was just under 50g ha ha! I make it with water then splash cold milk on it once cooked. I normally have chopped pear with it or tinned peaches (in juice)
It will keep me going till lunchtime - that's about 6hrs for me. It's never affected my weight loss,

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...