Friday, 1 January 2016

Larder list

This morning I emptied the larder cupboard, sorted it and made a list of what I have.


Chick peas, Butter beans, Green lentils, Red lentils
Haricot beans, Star pasta, Pasta shapes, Lasagna
Spaghetti x 3, Pudding rice, Long grain rice, 
Flavoured rice x 3, Semolina, Pearl barley, Couscous
Stuffing mix, Yeast, Popping corn, Onions, Salt, 
Sugar, Icing sugar, Cake cases 4 sizes, 
Cake sprinkles, Dried fruit, Plain flour, SR flour
Bread flour, Yeast, Bicarb, Citric acid, Cream of tartar
Custard powder, Cocoa, Plain noodles, 
Flavoured noodles, Packet soup x 5, Miso x 2
Creamed coconut, Easi yo sachets x 3, 
Digestive biscuits, Cheese biscuits, 
Packet flavourings x 4, Stock cubes.

I also have a huge selection of herbs and spices.

Kidney beans, Baked beans x 3, Tomato soup
Potatoes, Tomatoes, Butter beans, Chick peas
Mushy peas, Mandarins, Sliced peaches, Pilchards
Sardines x 4, Spaghetti hoops, Sweet corn x 3
Tuna x 4, Marmade x 2, Honey, Marmalade.

I have tea, coffee & condiments  in another cupboard.

I have milk, salad, butter, cheese & veg in the fridge and the freezer is full of meat and fish. 

We won't starve even if I don't shop for a month or two!


rabbitquilter said...

Just to wish you a Happy, healthy New Year, I won't say peaceful, unfortuantly!!! Thank you for the laughs and tears your blog brings!!! 😉

TrishWish said...

What a good idea. Did you find any "What was I thinking??" things? I did before Xmas - coconut milk and anchovies. I decant stuff into clear storage jars and label these now - the idea is when empty/nearly I know what needs to go on the next list. Certainly a lot to chomp through in your list.

Sheila said...

Pretty well stocked up here too Hester. I used my Tesco clubcard vouchers to stock up on fresh meat and put it in the freezer and did a big Iceland shop with my Love To Shop card which we pay into all year. The tin cupboard is stocked as needed so we should last for a few months without doing a big shop. Just fresh veg, milk and bread. I'm going to look at the meat and cook up some ready made meals to pull out on days I can't be bothered to cook from scratch. Love being able to do that.

Hard up Hester said...

Thank you RQ.
TW, I love anchovies but don't have any at the moment.
Sheila, I get my meat from the local butchers, I save my clubcard vouchers and buy all the grandchildren tights, socks etc.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...