Tuesday, 5 January 2016

All going tits up

FIL phoned today, he claims his cataract surgery has been cancelled and it's all our fault because we upset the surgeon. Allegedly FIL was on the bed, all drugged up and then the surgeon refused to continue because of something hubby or I said. All I can say is the surgeon must have bloody good hearing, we live about 30 miles from the hospital!

Then he phoned to complain about his party wall, it need work doing to it and he cannot afford it, hubby offered to go and look at the problem. FIL got very upset, saying the solicitor has told him he is not allowed visitors!

We can't work out if he's drunk, lying or imagining things. He has some very good neighbours but he's gradually falling out with them all.


kathy said...

Oh dear you and LM do seem to be going through it at the moment, I hope you will get some respite soon. Kathy x

Wanda said...

Do you think he might have a UTI? He might not be looking after himself very well, not drinking enough fluids. An untreated UTI can make an elderly person appear quite mad...

Hard up Hester said...

Wanda, he is drinking plenty of fluids, unfortunately most of them contain alcohol!

Lyssa Medana said...

Now he's without MIL any underlying dementia may start cranking up. Or perhaps he was always an 'idiot' but without MIL it comes out undiluted and unfiltered. Good luck. x

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he rocked up with alcohol in his system and the doctors smelt it.

We've sent patients home from our Cataract unit for that reason. All dilated and anesthesia refuses (and they only use freezing drops) but are concerned about how they will manage post op.

UTI is a good thing to investigate.

Witch Hazel said...

So difficult for you xxx
Could it be dementia?
I remember reading a cartoon story explaining about the onset of dementia... let me see if I can find a link... here it is, perhaps only some of it is consistent with what you are seeing http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2623800/The-saddest-goodbye-Endless-words-written-dementia-But-ANY-match-poignancy-cartoonist-Tony-Husbands-account-watching-steal-away-father.html

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...