Thursday, 20 June 2019

A small improvement

I've been feeling a bit wiped out for the last few weeks, nothing specific, just lacking oomph.

I've not eaten any bananas for a while as the ones in the shops are all over ripe.

I did find a drink n Sainsburys, a sport drink mainly sugar and magnesium so I bought some.

A bottle does make me feel better but I really don't need that much sugar every day so I've been drinking one a week.

Let's hope the banana stock improves soon.

I'm still rushing around helping my DD's as they are both having car problems, hopefully that will improve soon.

DD1 treated me to lunch today, I drove her to collect some stuff she needs for this weekend and we stopped at Saddleback Farm Shop and Cafe. We had a sandwich and a slice of cake each.

There are friendly horses in the field next door, a large sandpit for the children and free range chickens wandering about.

Beano wasn't sure about the chickens and kept his distance.


justjill said...

Good you had an out session. I too am waiting for the bananas to improve.

Chris said...

Here the bananas are always too green and you have to wait ages for them to ripen. Actually, I prefer over ripe bananas as they are better for you once the starch has been converted to sugar. Mind you they can go too far to the dark side. Then they are disgusting!

Lynn Marie said...

If it's the potassium in the bananas that does the trick for you, don't forget dark leafy greens, tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, avocados, and low fat milk are all high in potassium (and magnesium too I think)!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...