Monday, 10 June 2019

The right time

I went to help DD1 this morning, she had to take the twins to the Dr's and its easier with two of us.

On the way home I stopped at the local co-op to buy a lemon, there were a lot of reductions so I bought a few bits.

I bought grapes, mushrooms, leeks, fresh noodles, coleslaw and mini scotch eggs and an iceberg lettuce.

The coleslaw, lettuce and scotch eggs did us for lunch with some tomato from my fridge.

I made a stir-fry with the noodles, some chopped leek, mushrooms and a small piece of peppered steak from the freezer..

Tomorrow I'll make leek and potato soup and a small loaf.

I'll freeze any leftover leek and add it to some chicken and make a pie, I'll also slice and freeze the rest of the mushrooms.

The grapes I will eat over the next few days.


Chris said...

That's my kind of shopping and cooking - everything gets used up and nothing is left to wilt or go off!

Margie from Toronto said...

I need to follow this example - I am doing better but I still tend to buy a bit more than needed and then I'm scrambling to use it up before it all goes bad!

Fishcake_random said...

I quite like the co-op reductions. I've got my timing in to visit the one by the children's school. They reduce fruit and veg just before the school run so i often pick up a fruit treat for the small people to eat on the way home.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...