Sunday, 2 June 2019

Update for Readlisten.

No I didn't walk away with even half of what I was entitled to. He got the house, business, pension and savings, in total worth £900k, I was awarded £150k and it took best part of a year to get that.

When asked why I'd not been paid when I worked in the business he claimed I'd worked as a prostitute so had money of my own. The judge then told him he would be reported for living on immoral earnings if he continued in that vein.

The divorce hearing was a hoot, my ex threw his briefcase at his barrister and I had an escort to my car as he was lying in wait.

He is still in the marital home and has remarried, his wife has her own money as she was a widow.

His mother is in a nursing home, she's in her 90's.
He doesn't visit her.

I expect his mother was the same with his 2nd wife as I know she tried to cause problems between her siblings and their spouses.


Anonymous said...

Some people make themselves the victim in
Everything, sadly you are one of life’s victims.
It doesn’t come to any of us easy

readlisten said...

Thank you for the update. I wish all sort of nasty things for your ex, but at least you got out.
As for Anonymous, what an asshole. Really?

Anonymous said...

Sorry dear, but the facts speak for themselves.
We all get shit thrown at us , but act like a doormat
And you get treated like one

Pat said...

Anonymous - perhaps you could find a new hobby, meditation would be a good one, calm your mind and dwell on why you feel the need to write pathetic and ridiculous comments.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...