I went to the Dr's today to collect hearing aid batteries and another prescription for Steve.
Whilst there I enquired about the outstanding telephone appointment with regards my hearing aids.
It seems the system has changed, nice of them to tell me!
I now have to phone the surgery every morning at 8am to enquire as to whether or not there is an appointment available.
I really struggled at the reception desk to hear what was being said as there were three receptionists all talking at once.
I'm really going to struggle to phone at 8am as that is a busy part of my day.
I'm also really going to struggle to make the call as I cannot hear to use my phone even on hands free.
A face to face appointment might be a little easier but as my hearing isn't deemed to be a priority I can't have a face to face appointment.
An online system is being introduced, the receptionist didn't have the courtesy to tell me this. I had to go and look for it. I have registered to use this but it's not working correctly yet and when it is I have to take in my driving licence as proof of ID.
Steve cannot register for this as he has no driving licence or passport.
I'd quite like to sit down and howl.
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We use the online system for our local doctors, it works well, we still have to wait weeks for an appointment.
As we say in the states, “ what a cluster*ck.
There should be a complaints system at the surgery and someone with the grand title of "Practice Manager". If you wanted to be bolshy -you could complain that you were disadvantaged by the receptionists' treatment of you (being deaf) and you could stick a bit of ageism in there too ( not advised properly about the IT side). If you really think hard, I'm sure you could come up with a litany of complaints that would have to make it in to the records and stuff them in a CQC inspection.
The problem is that no-one has any time or inclination to think things through and test systems properly. It does my head in.
The thing about ID evidence also really bugs me. We ended up renewing passports just for that purpose alone.
So Hester - Tie a knot in that tether and hang on.
If all else fails - there's always gin.
Debbie ;)
I also think you should email the Practice Manager. He or she should know. You can’t be the only person experiencing difficulties. It seems that life is very difficult for you at the moment. Hang on in there. A lot of us are thinking of you.
I have had similar problems. In the end I wrote to my doctor telling him it was because I couldn't get an appointment. I got my referral straight away!
It gets more difficult to do anything these daya and I'm not talking from a disabled persons point of view.
Some info for you, Hester. I'm deaf myself which is how I know all this. It has been illegal for medical practices to discriminate against the deaf (no matter how deaf) for quite some time. Other people who have said to contact the practice manager are right - there is a move in this regard in the NHS following a few high-publicity deaths due to lack of interpreters (don't ask)- to make communication better and clearer. That you have yet to be officially diagnosed as deaf is irrelevant. DO take it up with the practice manager. Some of the alternatives that they offer (text relay for example) may not be suitable for you but don't give up! Good luck! :)
Oh no I feel your frustration,' our surgery now has the system of phoning at 8 and you'll be attended to that day, I have found it very good, but I can see your problem with not being able to hear properly on the phone, perhaps a letter to your Dr stating why you find the 8 o'clock call a problem And although I am no longer allowed drive I renewed my licence for the main reason it was an excepted identification. Hope you are able to get things sorted quickly.
Can CHS take his birth certificate and a bank statement to the doctor's as proof of id, that's what I did as didn't have my licence at the time, or a passport. I also had to take my marriage certificate as well.x
Write a lettr to your GP outlining your problems an see if you get a response which is helpful.
If Steve wanted to get a passport he'd need someone to confirm his existence, I understand Drs are "qualified persons" to do this.
There's plenty of us who don't drive or have a passport. If they are going to insist on us showing I.D. they should ******* provide some.
I've given up trying to understand the mysteries of the appointments system at our surgery. Trying to see a nurse is actually more difficult than seeing a doctor. Recently I needed an appointment with a specific doctor AND a nurse which was so frustrating to try to arrange I now understand why they have a security screen between the patient and the receptionist.
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