Saturday, 15 June 2019

Happy to help

I'm always happy to help people when I can, especially family. Babysitting, giving lifts etc. One of my DD's is on my car insurance, this means she can drive my car legally if I need to go somewhere I'm not confident driving to. Also she can borrow my car if hers is off the road. All the family try to muck in and help each other.

This morning DS2 put my car through its MOT, it passed thankfully. DS2 met Beano for the first time and is now besotted with him.

This afternoon I received a call from DD2, she does stand up comedy and has a gig coming up next week. She phoned me for help, she had a vague memory of something that had happened with a lodger I'd once had, she was an OTT, Overseas Trained Teacher. DD could remember the story and wanted to use it in her next stand-up routine. She phoned to check the details and name of the lodger. I blogged about her and always referred to her as Katy. DD wanted to know her real name to ensure she used a different one.

For those who don't know the story, the lodger used my pc, with my permission, supposedly to produce her lesson plans and to chat to her family and friends back home. In reality she took naked pictures of her sticky bits to send via the internet. She left said pics on the desktop, where Steve found them!

She pulled a few more stunts in this vein which caused us great hilarity and DD wanted to use them in her stand-up routine, I'm happy for her to do this and she in turn will ensure she doesn't use the lodger real name.


Chris said...

Funny! I had overseas students stay with me for a few years and they did get up to some awful antics! However, one from Taiwan regularly treated me to real Chinese takeout.

Christine Carroll said...

I remember you blogging about Katy and the hilarious stories you told about her. I don't know how you put up with it. Patience of a saint!!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...