Friday, 7 June 2019

Please engage brain.

Before opening mouth.

We are back in the marina getting our toilet fixed. Beano and I walked 3 miles, he was off the lead for about half the distance. His recall is getting better.

For some time now Steve has been saying how good it will be when he can be let off the boat when he needs the toilet instead of me having to put shoes and coat on and take him out.

Yesterday Steve's friend visited, they had a long conversation about Beano going off the boat on his own.

I let them waffle on for a while and then said 'All we need to do is train him to use a poo bag and it will be fine'.


Julia said...

Hahaha! Oh, were it that simple!

Pat said...

Let us know how that training goes! One of my favourite walks is along the towpath near here and I used to let our dog off the lead without a thought. But then a local dog walker had an awful mishap when one of her customers dogs fell down into the canal at a lock. She had other dogs with her, some on leads some not. She couldn't get it out and the poor dog drowned. It was a bulldog, apparently they're not the best swimmers. So awful for dog, dog owner and the dog walker. I've kept ours on the lead on the towpath since then, even in between locks, then let him off when we get to accessible fields.

We've lots of Canada Geese on the canal just now and lots of goslings. No swans though.

justjill said...

I think you are wise to keep the lead on. The birds with young may attack the dog and it certainly can cause them to abandon their young. And he will be safer.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Actually Hester, having a dog myself I had already thought about that before I got to your last paragraph.

Jean said...

That made me laugh. Thanks.

Carol Caldwell said...

I too was thinking the same thing before you got there.

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...