Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Mind the gap.

We've had very heavy rain here for the last few days and the water level in the marina has been very high.

This means we have to be very careful when stepping of the deck onto the jetty as it can be a very big step, it's second nature to check before stepping off now.

Sometimes the local mill will open their slices and then the levels will drop dramatically. Fortunately as we are still in the marina we don't run aground or end up listing badly like we do on the cut.

We have to remember to tie up with slack ropes as if the ropes are too tight that can cause listing.


Joan (Devon) said...

A whole different way of living.

Jean said...

Some years ago we had a holiday on the Norfolk Broads. We were on a tidal bit near the sea and thankfully did use slack ropes and went to the pub. When we came back in the dark, the boat was several feet lower. 3 of us managed but my friend was very short and scared of water but between us we managed to manhandle her down to the deck. It was a good laugh. A lovely way to live.

The Weaver of Grass said...

The perils of living on water.

kate steeper said...

its an annual sight on the Witham up the road that some poor inexperienced sod ends up in a mess , usually they end up over the tow path in the land drain beside , a costly rookie error

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...