Friday, 21 June 2019

Beano wants a kiss goodnight

If I make a fuss of another dog Beano pushes in to make sure I don't forget him. 

He wriggles between us if Steve and I have a cuddle.

Steve has been having a few better days lately and so always kisses me goodnight when he goes to bed.

When he does this Beano leaps up from a prone position and rushes over.

The first couple of times I was a little concerned that his jealousy would make him snap. I have a friend who's dog won't let her and her husband kiss. I needn't have worried, he just wants a kiss goodnight too.

He's out of luck, neither Steve or I would kiss him, but he does get a stroke and a cuddle.


Anonymous said...

Oh, give him a kiss! You can avoid tongues! 😁

The Weaver of Grass said...

Does something tell me you are spoiling that dog???

Hard up Hester said...

It's difficult not to spoil him Weaver, he is so good and well behaved.

Chris said...

Just remember where his mouth has been!

Twiggymoon said...

So very pleased to hear Steve has had a few better days recently -excellent news! Aaaw, Just tell Beano “no tongues”. 😃. Have a great weekend xx

Hard up Hester said...

Exactly Chris, I never let him lick me, I can't bear it.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...