Sunday, 30 June 2019

Random Wittering

Yesterday we went to a BBQ, we wanted to say goodbye to some fellow boaters who have decided to move back to dry land.
Unfortunately for me it was a hog roast and not a BBQ, I don't eat pork, still the coleslaw was lovely. Steve enjoyed himself socialising with all the people. I walked the dog around the grounds so I was able to avoid talking to people.

It was 33 degrees here yesterday, far too hot for comfort I made sure Beano had plenty of water and kept him in the shade as much as possible. The evening was worse as Steve is very security conscious and will insist on locking all the doors, window's and hatches as though we were in the middle on an inner city ghetto, rather than in the middle of nowhere. Eventually words were had and he relented.

We moved today, just over a mile so only a two mile walk for Beano and I.

I locked Steve through the first lock and then walked to the car, the plan was to move the car to our final destination for the day and then walk back along the towpath towards Steve ready to open the bridge for him.

Beano had other ideas, we've never left Steve when the boat is moving, we usually walk the towpath. We got as far as the road and Beano lay down and refused to move.

Fortunately he is only a small dog so I carried him to the car. Once the car was parked and we were on the towpath again Beano trotted along happily enough. He's quite bright so I'm hopeful that next time he will come to the car willingly and not need carrying.

I usually cook a roast dinner on Sunday but I quick check of the fridge shows that a few things need using up so I'm doing spicy chicken pieces with bacon rashers, sauteed potatoes and garlic bread. That will empty the fridge ready for next time we go shopping, probably on Wednesday.


justjill said...

Too hot for me too!

Chris said...

A busy day for you both but sounded fun!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...