Saturday, 1 June 2019

Three weeks and counting

Last time I was at the hospital with Steve I went to the hearing unit, I asked about an upgrade for my hearing aids, I'd like to be able to watch TV without subtitles as I struggle to read them. My close vision is crap though my distance vision is still ok.

I was told I had to speak to my Dr, so I went to the surgery and asked, I was told I couldn't have a face to face appointment but that the Dr would phone me within a couple of days to discuss my request. This could prove problematic as I struggle to hear on the phone.

I needn't have worried, three weeks on and I've yet to receive the promised phone call!


Anonymous said...

Play the Carer card ! You have enough on your plate without being ignored over this. When I was in your position, there was always signs/leaflets saying to advise the surgery if you were a carer. It meant you were seen quicker as we need to be Up to Speed. Please check this out, you are asking for very little in the grand scheme of things.


Hard up Hester said...

Thank you, I hadn't thought of that.

justjill said...

I agree with the suggestion. Do it!

Pat said...

Good luck with the Carer's suggestion. When my husband was diagnosed I was told to fill in a Carer's form at the GP surgery which will make sure I'm "looked after." I've yet to see any of the promised "looking after" but I wish you well.

Also I've been told "lots of support for both of you" after both the Alzheimers and Parkinsons diagnoses but I've yet to see any of that either. Not a thing.

No doubt some areas are better than others so I hope you're successful. In my area funding for respite for carers hasn't been allowed this year but there is funding to provide hens and their necessary housing to care homes! Apparently it will be good for the residents to interact with the hens. Whilst that's a good idea these are care homes that are privately owned, the owners should be providing entertainment and the residents are cared for by paid staff.

Pam Monks said...

I wonder if anyone has given you a tip which makes telephone conversations easier. Put your phone on speaker evidently this means you are able to use both ears to hear. This is the only way I can hear on the phone. Sorry if you already know this.

Hard up Hester said...

Pat, I spent the first few weeks looking for the supposed help for carers and found there is none, but I will try it when asking for an appointment.

Pam, I'll try that, thank you.

Pat said...

Good luck with that Hester. Sorry for being a moaner, being a full time (and yes it's day and night) carer in my 70's is certainly wearying. In sickness and health and all that but it's not what I'd envisioned for my retirement especially when I'm not in good health myself. We'll plod on because there's no other choice. I used to be a happy and optimistic person, enjoying life and it's simple pleasures, now I can't even read a page of a book, listen to music or enjoy a cup of tea in the sunshine. It's not allowed.
And there I go moaning again!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...