Saturday, 22 June 2019

Moving day

We've moved, we were at Woolhampton for a few days, now we are at Midgham.
Just to be really confusing, the railway station at Woolhampton is called Midgham station. The name was changed because people were confusing Woolhampton with Wolverhampton.

We traveled just under two miles, Beano and I walked the towpath opening the bridges and locks until we chose a mooring place. Once securely moored we had lunch, egg sandwiches, and then we all walked back to get the car.

We had two sets of visitors, first just after we'd moored, a couple stopped to talk about the boat, so we invited them in to have a look around.
Then when we walked back to get the car we bumped into someone we know from the marina, they were traveling on their boat, we got back in our car before they reached our mooring spot, when they arrived they moored up and came for a look around.


Margie from Toronto said...

Sounds like a lovely day - and it sounds as though your husband is managing a bit more so that is good news! Have a lovely weekend.

mamasmercantile said...

Sounds wonderful, such fun. Hope hubby is feeling a little better.

Chris said...

I haven't read many blogs in the last month or two, so read back on yours quite a way, don't change, some of it is hilarious and love your dog too.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...