Saturday, 8 June 2019

Another personality change

Not Steve this time but Beano.

When we first got Beano he went loopy whenever anyone made a fuss of him. He was a complete tart and would go to anyone.

He is now not so friendly, he's not nasty, he's happy to let anyone fuss him but he no longer tries to make friends with every passing stranger.

Maybe he's getting enough attention from Steve and I.

He still shows very few traditional terrier traits, he does have selective deafness when he finds an interesting smell but he doesn't chase ducks or cats.
Mind you, a couple of nights ago I took him out after dark for his last wee of the night, as I stepped off the boat I swapped hands with the lead so didn't have a firm grip on it, he took off like a bat out of hell wrench the lead out of my hand. He was after something though I've no idea what. I assume it was a rabbit as there are hundreds on the marina. He stopped when I called and did return, albeit a bit reluctantly.

Last night he was very funny, again, I was taking him out last thing, it was absolutely hissing down. I stepped off the boat on to the jetty and he looked at me as if to say
 ' You must be fecking joking'.
I persuaded him to step off the boat on to the jetty and from there on to the grass. He was still glaring at me and once on the grass he came to a halt.
Eventually I told him that he couldn't go back to the boat until he'd done a wee.
So, still glaring at me he lifted one hind leg a bare half inch of the ground, wee'd and then stomped back on to the boat.


Jean said...

Dogs do make you laugh.

Pat said...

Beano sounds adorable! Once a JR owner you'll never want any other breed! Our Parsons JR is a rescue dog and when we first got him he was really eager to get to people out walking, pulling to get to them. This gradually waned until he was happy to see people but also a bit wary and didn't pull to get to them anymore. I've always wondered if he hoped that those approaching people were his last owners and he missed them. I'd say although he settled with us straight away it took about 3 months before he seemed to look upon us as his only people.
I don't know about your plans to let Beano off the lead for his ablutions, him chasing rabbits and you chasing after him in the dark on a towpath doesn't sound like a good idea! Perhaps stick to an extending lead?

Hard up Hester said...

Don't worry Pat he wasn't on the towpath, we are in the marina. He is off the lead in a secure field at night. So it seems so good place to practice his recall.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I take Tess out on to the front lawn for her last wee. If it is a nice night she can take ages - sniffing every individual blade of grass, but if it is pouring, like it was last night, she goes straight out, wees and is back in a trice. Terriers are not daft are they?

Chris said...

Sounds like he is developing into quite a character.

Sue said...

Beano sounds like a smart little pup! It's probably much easier to walk him if he isn't trying to make friends with everyone. I would like to put some kind of roof over a portion of our backyard dog pen (just a fenced in area which you walk into when you go out our back door) for rainy nights but haven't yet convinced the man of the house. Of course he's not the one who takes the dogs out at night!

Carol Caldwell said...

It sounds like he is developing his character with you. He sounds like a smart little guy.

Rural Reads said...

I have a JR who doesnt like rain!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...