Sunday, 16 June 2019

Gotta love an expert.

We have a local chap who is an expert, in everything. It doesn't matter if it's a boat, house, car or pet, he's had one bigger, better and can tell you everything you need to know from stripping it down to its component parts to making it run better and faster.

Yesterday he came over for a chat about Beano as he is an expert on JRT's too. As Beano has black skin under his white fur, the expert tells me this means he is a gypsy Jack and has been used  by travelers in a puppy farm. 

The expert has a dog of his own, a big dog, it is completely untrained, mad as a box of frogs, lovely with people as long as you don't mind him jumping up, but not so good with other dogs.

He took his dog to the vet to see what could be done to calm the dog down and was advised to take his dog out more to burn off some of its energy, so he takes it for a two hour drive every day. Now I'm damn sure when he was told to take the dog out more the vet meant take it for a walk, not a drive in the car!

He claims he can't walk the dog because it pulls, well it will, it's absolutely bursting with energy.

I walked Beano for an hour yesterday, not particularly fast but at a good pace, he is still knackered today so he's only had three short walks.


Pam Monks said...

Taking his dog out for a car ride - this has made me laugh, you couldn't make it up.

Carol Caldwell said...

How can an "expert" be so lacking in common sense. You have to laugh!

Treaders said...

Gotta love an expert. The guy at the back of us was an expert too, so he got a dog that he was gonna train just by looking at it. They went away and that bloody dog barked 24/7 and someone complained. About 3 weeks later they took the dog back to the breeder!

Anonymous said...

DH has an uncle-by-marriage just like this guy. Dude has no sense and has had more money” making” schemes than we can count!
Yeah, pretty sure the guy’s dog needs to walked while out. Please!

Poppypatchwork said...

I do think there should be some sort of a test before you get a puppy, a child or any small animal, so many would simply not pass.

Tracy said...

That has just given myself and my husband a really good laugh! You really couldn't make it up, could you?

kelley said...

I'm dumbfounded by that man taking his dog for a drive..he doesn't seems intelligent enough to get a license..unless the dog was driving...

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...