Friday, 28 June 2019

Thank you

Thank you for all the advice, I have emailed the surgery with my concerns.

I have requested that both mine and Steve's records are marked Hearing Impaired.

I have explained how difficult the system is to use as I cannot hear to use the phone and the reception area is too noisy for me to hear clearly.

I have also explained the situation with regards Steve's ID.

I have said that I believe the system to be discriminatory.

I now await a reply.


justjill said...

Well done. I have a few issues with my surgery but so far have not been able to gird up my loins and complain. Will try again tomorrow.

Jax said...

Good for you. You seem to be the sort of person who only complains when you need to, so maybe they will take heed.

Moira said...

Well done ✳✳✳stars for good work!!

keth said...

fingers crossed you get a good response! With regard to the phone (more generally, not specifically with the doctors), if you have a good reliable internet connection then you can use a computer and/or mobile phone to make telephone calls via Text Direct. has more info - you can set it up so that you can still talk, just have the operator typing out the responses of the other person. I use this all the time. There are occasionally problems when people think that the operator, trying to explain what it is, think they're selling something and hang up without so much as a by your leave! But it is otherwise a very good system and I do recommend it. Good luck!

Hard up Hester said...

Thank you Keth I'll look into that.

Pat said...

Hopefully after you've been waiting so long and been misinformed about the arrangements the secretary will contact you with an appointment.

Do you have "carer" marked on your record? I was told that it would be marked on mine and I would be "looked after". Not that I've noticed a jot of difference! That "looking after" must be filed in the same drawer as "there'll be lots of support for both of you"

Good luck, hope you get a reply soon.

Hard up Hester said...

Yes I am marked as a carer and because of that I receive a newsletter every month.
It tells me all a out the help and assistance I am entitled to.
In fact I am entitled to bugger all!

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...