Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Taking advice

I took Pat's advice and investigated the Hotter shoes called Misty.

The first ones I found were £98 a pair.

I shopped around and found them for £38, to be honest I'd have paid full price just to have dry feet.

Here they are, already wet from walking Beano this afternoon.


Pat said...

Your shoes are wet but did they keep your feet dry? Gosh I didn't know they cost that much now, that's a massive increase since I bought mine. Good that you found some cheaper, that's a good price if they last as long as mine have. I think they're really good, comfy from the first wearing and never had wet feet yet. I wear them just about every day for dog walking. Quite often for shopping etc. too. So comfy and supportive.

Hard up Hester said...

My feet stayed perfectly dry, thank you for recommending them.

Susan Heather said...

They look and sound great. Which shoe is that. I just looked at the website and couldn't see that particular shoe. Were you brave enough to buy on line or were you able to go and try them on.

Hard up Hester said...

I bought them via Amazon, I'm a size four and a half but I bought size five so I can wear socks with them. The shoe style is called Misty.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Hotter are always comfy, a good bargain on the price. I have the same but the cost from Hotter shop was in between your high and low

Anonymous said...

They look good and if they keep you dry....job done.

JanF said...

Hotter are trying to get started here in the U.S. At the moment they are reducing prices and offering us free shipping. I am very tempted but only recently changed all my shoes for Vionic and Alegria.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...