Sunday, 7 June 2020

A helping hand

This morning we were up by 7:30, I walked the dogs along the towpath with two other boaters and their dogs. 

Back to the marina for bacon butties and then it was time to go.
Two boats, NB Lottie and NB Dover set off from the marina, Steve and I drove to Aldermaston lock, we locked them through and I opened the swing bridge for them and NB Sun Uppers went through too.  Then we drove to Padworth swing bridge, Steve walked on to Towney lock and I stayed to operate the swing bridge.

 I then drove to Sulhampstead swing bridge, I opened it for a boat called Pop Art Blue, closed it to let traffic through then opened it for NB Dover and NB Lottie.

From there we drove to Tyle Mill (Kate Bush used to live nearby, maybe still does). Here we hit a snag, Tyle Mill bridge was broken. Pop Art Blue were in the lock, CRT were notified and would be there in half an hour. 

It was nearly midday by now so we said goodbye to our friends and returned to our boat.


Chris said...

A busy day, all told. Well done, you and Steve, for your hard work helping other boaters.

JanF said...

Sounds like a very active day and an enjoyable one. You got to meet a lot of new people and you helped them a lot.


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.