Monday, 8 June 2020


Loulou has her new lead, a retractable one, I prefer it as it gives her room to run around without getting lost.

Last night she slept in Beano's bed, he doesn't mind as he never uses it.

He also lets her sit on mine or Steve's knee, once he has decided which knee he wants first.

We have to feed her in the bathroom and shut her in until Beano has eaten, otherwise she eats his food too as e is a slow eater.

Beano told her off today, he barked at her when she was being silly.

She is being introduced to new things every day and new dogs, she is getting better with them.

To start with she was very uncertain getting on and off the boat, the movement made her nervous but now she is used to it and hops on and off without hesitation.

Loulou does seem to have a bit of a duck obsession, Beano chases them as he thinks they belong in the water. Loulou chases the and will follow them into the water given half a chance.

We have two baby gates, one either side of the boat so Loulou cannot jump off if she is on the back deck.


justjill said...

This so makes me smile.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

So cute. Beano looks like he is showing her around. They look sweet together.

JanF said...

She seems to have settled in very quickly and that indicates that she will soon know all your " boat/house" rules. I do hope it all works out well for you and that Beano will enjoy the company and prestige from being Head Dog!

Carol Caldwell said...

I agree with the previous comments. They look very sweet together and she seems to be settling in really well.

Theresa Y said...

Sounds to me like she has a new home and she's settling in very nicely.

Sue said...

They look so sweet together ... matching dogs.

Ellen D. said...

What sweet dogs! Seems like Loulou has added some fun distraction to your boat life and how sweet and patient you all are to welcome her to her new home.

The Weaver of Grass said...

It does sound now as though you have two permanent dogs. They both look very settled.

flis said...

Beano is such a good boy to have allowed Lou lou into his home and take her under his wing.I feed mine separately too as the most recent one is still ravenous x

Christine Hancock said...

Sounds like Beano is keeping Lou Lou in order.. both look lovely.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...