Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Another spell bag

I gave someone a spell bag today she is feeling scared and intimidated by something that happened many years ago.

On the bag I drew a protection rune, I drew it in blue as blue is a calming colour.

In the bag I placed a tigers eye crystal for courage and confidence.

Hawthorn berries for protection.

Amethyst chips to protect against negative energy.

Dried chamomile and lavender for calm and peace.

Duck down, soft and warm to represent the love that surrounds her.

A beautiful feather from a Greyling goose for freedom and escape.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that sounds lovely, what a thoughtful gift. Although sorry that they need it x

The Weaver of Grass said...

This sounds so interesting - could you explain more about it please.

Christine Hancock said...

Omgosh that sounds another idea I could try to lift me when I get a lock down trapped mood perhaps? What would go in it I wonder?

flis said...

I've never made a spell bag but do wear a tigers eye and amethyst ring daily.I have lots of crystals and tiny ones in a bag which I used to cleanse in a Holy Well when able to but I know nothing about Runes x


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.