Monday, 1 June 2020


Barny is an amiable but very large chocolate Labrador. His owners will be back on their boat soon and no doubt Barny will visit us.

Stair gate, no problem, Barny walks straight through it, it cannot withstand his bulk.

Already have a dog of your own, no problem, Barny will walk all over it, walk into your boat and eat your dogs food.

Your children are frightened of dogs, no problem, Barny will pin them to the floor and lick them. Your children like dogs, see above!

Barny is impervious to threats and punishment and tows his owner round on the end of his lead.

If Barny visits you his owner comes too.

Barny has never met a stranger, just friends he doesn't know yet.


The Weaver of Grass said...

What a lovely portrait of Barny.

justjill said...

I could think of a few people should be called Barny. x

Chris said...

He would make me thoroughly nervous and I usually love dogs!

flis said...

That is so funny.I know a man Just like that who I always make allowances for as I do like him-but he can be infuriating at times x

Margie from Toronto said...

It's a good thing he's friendly - but then labs usually are just wonderful. I've never owned one but other family members have and highly recommend them.

Sewing mamie said...

Our neighbours have husky cross he is the same he does exactly as he wants , charging through the fence into another garden , towing them on walks though I do maintain that would not be so bad if they had him on a harness not a Collier. At one point they were talking about taking him to obedience class , but i think he would probably run riot there as well .

Christine H Hancock said...

HA HA Sounds like a great visitor!

Joyce said...

I miss my old yellow lab, she was quite a gal. Better behaved than Barny, though!

Hard up Hester said...

I'm more tolerant than Steve of Barny's visits.

lynda said...

Typical Lab! Just got another one.. he adores everyone. Even my corgis who can be mean to him!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...